Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Memoir Writing Class Begins. Day 1

Class begins today.  Week One. 

 I'm excited and happy to be taking Memoir Writing: Toward Completion  
being taught by author and book editor Lisa Dale Norton of Santa Fe Writing Institute.

First assignment:
A short biography to introduce myself to the class 
about my life and family, my work and writing, and why I'm taking this class.

Second assignment:
A 250-word description of the memoir project I plan to work on this term.
Pencil chewing about which 'slice of life' experience and accompanying memories
to explore, corral, then form into words worth reading.

Third assignment:
Inspired by this week's lesson,
write 1,250 words of fresh memoir material 
End Goal of the Class:
To create 5,000 words of new material for my memoir project

A good start to a book, maybe?
I sure hope so.

This is my new life and
we're writing to find the right words.


  1. Oh goody! I'm going to love following along on your journey to mine the past. Now I've added this blog to my Feedly so I won't lose it!

  2. Looking forward to it too, Brenda! Great idea to blog bout your course.

  3. I think there is a book in there somewhere!


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