Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Memoir Writing Class Begins. Day 1

Class begins today.  Week One. 

 I'm excited and happy to be taking Memoir Writing: Toward Completion  
being taught by author and book editor Lisa Dale Norton of Santa Fe Writing Institute.

First assignment:
A short biography to introduce myself to the class 
about my life and family, my work and writing, and why I'm taking this class.

Second assignment:
A 250-word description of the memoir project I plan to work on this term.
Pencil chewing about which 'slice of life' experience and accompanying memories
to explore, corral, then form into words worth reading.

Third assignment:
Inspired by this week's lesson,
write 1,250 words of fresh memoir material 
End Goal of the Class:
To create 5,000 words of new material for my memoir project

A good start to a book, maybe?
I sure hope so.

This is my new life and
we're writing to find the right words.